Missing the forest for the trees (or counting cavities in the gift
horse's mouth.) How many have actually seen the "When Mitt Romney Came to
Town" video? http://www.webcasts.com/kingofbain/
Newt, the messenger may be extremely flawed to the extreme, but
the message is "spot on." It is brilliant and to the point. Romney
was a corporate raider of the worst ilk. Did you know that Bain Capital was
financed by unidentified Latin American investors? I didn't. Did you know
Romney's wealth is mostly parked off-shore in foreign accounts? I didn't. Those
facts are off-handedly cited in the video which concentrates on the horrors
inflicted by Romney and Bain Capital that impoverished men, women and children
who were paying their dues to the American dream. No wonder Mitt won't release
his income tax returns.
Did you appreciate that Romney and his friends drained 180 million
from a company and drove it into bankruptcy when maybe looting it for only 90
million might have allowed it to survive? Maybe I should have known it, but
And how many of the personal stories of middle class workers
impoverished by Bain Capital did you know? A couple maybe. But to paraphrase
Stalin (ugh) about his atrocities: the loss of one job is a tragedy; the loss
of a million is a statistic. The video tells the story of several US workers
who had paid their dues but were nonetheless impoverished by Bain capital predatory
Incidentally, one of the companies plundered by Bain is in Indiana where a right to
work law is now being considered.
Bottom line: don’t get angry at Newt or weep for Mitt. Watch the
video! This may be the video that saves America (if not the Republican
Party) from Romney. Perhaps it should also be required watching for the
Evangelical leaders meeting in Texas
this weekend.
Perhaps Mormons are Christians, but Mitt Romney certainly doesn’t
act like one. The Gospel of St. Matthew relates the parable of the Last
Judgment where the only measure of our love of God is how we treat the least
among us. Fear that judgment Mitt. Fear now.