Like many in the US , I was disappointed that the Vatican is
continuing its efforts to reign in American nuns. Then, I learned today something that to me, is startling, inspiring, edifying and maybe a little
stunning. The Vatican is
proceeding with the possible beatification of Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador who
was executed by a right wing death squad while saying Mass in 1980. Previously,
the beatification process had been blocked.
To me, there could be no
greater indictment of the Vatican
than a perceived indifference, if not open hostility, to the Catholic martyrs
of Central America in the 1980s. They included
six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and the housekeeper’s child. Then there
were the four women, three nuns and lay health worker who brutally kidnapped,
beaten, raped and then murdered by the El Salvador National Guard.
There was a report that when
Benedict XVIth visited Central America and at
the edge of the crowd some demonstrators for the martyrs sought his attention,
he was told by his local escorts to pay them no mind, they were “communists.”
Although there were some reasons
to be optimistic about Pope Francis, there were also some qualms. He had been
an outspoken opponent of “liberation
theology” for example. The pronouncement on the American nuns was not a
promising sign.
However, whatever his
reservations about liberation theology, this development augurs well. It is no
small thing and I expect the reactionaries will soon be at open war on his
If you believe in prayer,
pray for him. And if you don’t believe in prayer, at least cross your fingers.